GaLaBau | Plaster with the unique color protection Color Protect

Hall 2 / Booth Number 2-403

Plaster with the unique color protection Color Protect

Key Facts

  • Protection against color fading
  • Protection against algae growth
  • Protection against efflorescence


  • Cast stone for outdoor use
  • Paving stones, curbstones, slabs
  • Garden and patio equipment, furniture, decorations and ornaments

Key Facts

  • Protection against color fading
  • Protection against algae growth
  • Protection against efflorescence


  • Cast stone for outdoor use
  • Paving stones, curbstones, slabs
  • Garden and patio equipment, furniture, decorations and ornaments
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Product information

We have developed a solution so that builders can enjoy the appearance of their paved surfaces for a long time: our unique color protection – Color Protect. Various environmental influences can influence the appearance of the paving and slab surface. Thanks to the concrete surface protection Color Protect, our colored surfaces remain in their brilliant color and protect the surfaces. Rain, snow or intense sunlight cannot harm the colors - our special formula effectively protects the color pigments. Color Protect makes caring for the stones child's play. The surfaces not only remain colorful, but are also easier to clean and maintain compared to unprotected surfaces.

The Rinn color protection has another important function: It protects the originally packaged products from unsightly limescale efflorescence and significantly reduces the growth opportunities for algae. With Color Protect, builders can rely on the color protection of the fine coverings. It preserves the aesthetics of the concrete surfaces and the color brilliance. Faded colors and concrete efflorescence are a thing of the past with Color Protect.

A scientific study shows that Rinn Color Protect significantly reduces algae growth on concrete blocks. In addition, cleaning and removing growth is easier compared to unprotected stones. And often just with water and a broom.

All Rinn products with the Color Fine surface have this innovative surface protection. Customers have access to a large selection of stones with Color Protect surface protection. This also includes the new Klimastein variants with the addition of KlimaPlus.

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