Digital networking and collaboration: success factors for modern gardening and landscaping companies!
7/10/2024 Experts Know-how

Digital networking and collaboration: success factors for modern gardening and landscaping companies!

Digitalization, a shortage of skilled workers, growing customer demands, stricter verification requirements and climate change: companies in the gardening and landscaping sector have to adapt their working methods and business to many circumstances.

Photo of the exoskeletons exhibit at the Forum A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO DIGITALISATION 2022

Digitalization, a shortage of skilled workers, growing customer demands, stricter verification requirements and climate change: companies in the gardening and landscaping sector have to adapt their working methods and business to many circumstances. This requires entrepreneurs to be able to quickly analyze and evaluate complex situations, make well-founded decisions, and implement them consistently. Networking and collaboration in the digital space offers gardening and landscaping companies numerous opportunities to meet these requirements.

Among other things, this article looks at how you can use digital technologies to actively promote climate protection, better organize project partnerships, win, and retain customers and improve the quality of your decision-making.


Protecting resources and climate

Digital networking enables landscaping companies to use resources more efficiently and actively promote environmental protection. By using digital tools, such as construction costing software and project management and procurement platforms, material requirements can be precisely determined and covered. This helps to minimize residual stocks and waste and save money. Networked sensors and AI-based control systems protect systems and save water. Digital processes such as paperless order processing and electronic invoicing can also help to reduce paper consumption.


Organizing project partnerships digitally

Collaboration with architects, clients, other trades and partner companies in landscaping requires smooth communication and a fast, comprehensive exchange of project information. Digital platforms and cloud solutions enable everyone involved to share and update documents, plans and other data securely and in real time. This allows projects to be coordinated more reliably, delays to be minimized and the quality of the construction work to be better ensured.


Using online platforms of all kinds

Gardening and landscaping companies can benefit from a variety of digital platforms that open up new opportunities for them. For example, they can use online marketplaces to offer their services to a wider audience or use social media channels to attract and support customers or find skilled workers. There are also industry-specific platforms that can help landscaping companies to network with other companies and share specialist information.


Digital communication in business

Digital communication is playing an increasingly important role in landscaping. By using email, instant messaging services and video conferencing, landscaping companies can communicate quickly and cost-effectively with customers, partners, and employees. This can lead to improved customer satisfaction, more intensive collaboration, and faster decision-making.


Improving the quality and ability to make decisions through valid data

The more data a company has about its business, the more knowledge it can generate. Business intelligence tools can be used to collect, correlate, and analyze data from different areas within and outside the company. The resulting findings can then be used for well-founded decisions in company management, order acquisition, project management and operational business.



Digital networking and collaboration are success factors - also for modern gardening and landscaping companies. By using digital technologies, landscaping companies can use their resources more efficiently, actively promote environmental protection, better organize project partnerships, win new customers, and improve the quality of their decision-making. With the right strategy and the right tools, landscaping companies can use the digital transformation to their advantage by developing into future-oriented companies.


Practical examples, tried-and-tested solutions and recommendations for action

Forum A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO DIGITALISATION at GaLaBau 2024 in Nuremberg offers you the perfect opportunity over four days to find out about current trends and practical solutions in the field of digitization in gardening and landscaping companies and thus further develop your projects and strategies.

All topics and times of the forum on the individual days of the trade fair as well as detailed information on the practical talks, discussions and exhibit presentations can be found in the event schedule of the Forum A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO DIGITALISATION.   



Jasmin McNally

Jasmin McNally

Public Relations GaLaBau