The LITE-NET is an underground supply and distribution net for air & water.
In the function as a vegetation net, the pre-assembled LITE-NET is wrapped around the root ball. It absorbs water at the surface into their voluminous structure and conducts it efficiently and extensively to the roots, like veins. When these extract the stored water as needed, air is drawn in from the surface. Thus, they simply & cost-effectively replace the previously common pipe systems without buckling, clogging and stack effect.
The LITE-NET is also ideal for the deep drainage of rainwater: most rain events are not very extensive, so the water only remains in the upper layer of the soil, where root growth is thus enhanced. A LITE-NET, however, immediately absorbs the rainwater and directs it down to the deeper roots.
The LITE-NET vegetation net is also the ideal underground system complement to irrigation bags and watering edges. They reduce water consumption considerably by transporting water directly to the tree roots without evaporation. Watering intervals are significantly extended.
A large vegetation net inserted horizontally directly underneath the roof ballconducts air & water like a distribution net capillary in width and serves as additional storage. This improves root growth in depth and increases the stability of the tree.For new plantings we recommend a combination of vegetation net with the distribution net.
With the large-area LITE-NET tree pit nets , even the roots of already grown trees are permanently supplied with air & water.
The LITE-NET for trees comes in 3 materials, either permanent or biodegradable. The nets are available prefabricated for standard sizes (LITE-NET tree L + XL) or in rolls.