GaLaBau | Watermark Sensor

Hall 4A / Booth Number 4A-518

Watermark Sensor


  • Measuring instruments and ancillaries (electro-optical), levelling, test laboratories


  • Measuring instruments and ancillaries (electro-optical), levelling, test laboratories
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Product information

The Watermark sensor is the standard sensor in urban green and landscaping. Watermarks are maintenance-free, inexpensive, frost-proof and buffered against the fluctuating salt content of the soil solution. The sensors have a measuring range from 0 to 239 kPa soil water potential. Data interpretation is simple and transferable from site to site, as the measurement result is output as a soil water potential value. The technology is accurate, durable and has been tried and tested in practice for decades.

MMM tech support GmbH & Co KG is the general distributor for Watermark sensors in Germany and Central Europe.

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