durchgeblueht.de - We have dedicated ourselves to the so called “New German Style”. This new planting style is a mixture of hardy herbaceous perennials growing in a natural composition. The mixtures are developed mainly to follow the natural, self-regulating growth of plant societies with a long live balance and with aspects of design. After years of experience we have developed our system of growth and delivery that allows you to benefit from:
- An easy planting design - with our tested mixtures
- An easy to plant system - with our blossom-in-the-box system
- Low maintenance with a dynamic, self-regulating growing process
Mélange de plantes vivaces prêt à planter
Nos mélanges de plantes vivaces à faible entretien, résistants à l'hiver et testés par des instituts indépendants sont la réponse aux exigences de notre époque.