Digitization expert Heiko Fischer: How to stay on top of digitizing your business!
9/4/2024 Experts Know-how

Digitization expert Heiko Fischer: How to stay on top of digitizing your business!

Are you at the very beginning of your digital journey and wondering where - and above all how - you should start? Good question: prioritizing is not trivial. We asked Heiko Fischer from the 100 PROZENT DIGITAL knowledge platform what entrepreneurs should focus on first and what they should think about when it comes to digitalization projects.

Heiko Fischer in an interview at GaLaBau 2024

Heiko Fischer, what are the main burning issues for companies when it comes to digitalization? And what current “pain points” are there that could be particularly “alleviated” with the help of digitalization?

Heiko Fischer: Where do I start? Where do I stop? It's a mixture of too little knowledge and pressure to want to change!

By knowledge I mean things like:

  • Oh, my software can do that? I didn't even know that.
  • Or I want to do things that my current industry software can't do and I don't know how to do it.
  • But it's also about the fact that there is often a lack of knowledge about what my employees want and how I can implement this in the best possible way.

Current pain points that I notice with our customers are often:

  • My industry software can't do things that I would like to implement in my business or can only do them inadequately.
  • The topic of “finding skilled workers” is also a burning issue! What does this have to do with digitalization? A lot: For many younger skilled workers, it is now a criterion whether they work with an order folder or tablets, for example.

What initial steps do you recommend for entrepreneurs who are just now getting started with digitalization?

Heiko Fischer: I'm going to assume that nobody works with folders and calculators anymore! Regardless of whether someone is just starting out or wants to take the next steps, there should always be a plan! In any case, this plan should map the processes in the company (actual state), and from this you should derive where you want to go (target state). Based on this information, you can work out your “digital roadmap”. 

How and where can and should entrepreneurs obtain basic knowledge before starting a digitalization project? 

Heiko Fischer: There are various options here!

  • Research on the internet
  • Ask colleagues
  • Manufacturers/wholesalers can provide support
  • Your own IT partner
  • The Chamber of Crafts, in particular the BIT consultants
  • External consultants
  • Etc

What requirements must be met to successfully digitize work processes, work areas and even an entire company? And how long does this process take?

Heiko Fischer: Unfortunately, I can't give a general answer. It depends on various factors, such as:

  • Company size
  • Orders (private / public quota)
  • Current status of digitalization
  • How the business owner feels about the topic
  • etc.

The first and most important prerequisite is always: How does the boss feel about digitalization? Ideally, this person should be passionate about the topic, as they are responsible for its introduction, implementation and acceptance by employees.

I think it's important to proceed step by step. Don't do everything at once. The start should always be so positive that the employees also see it: This is making a difference! If you have the employees on your side, it's easier!

You say that digitalization projects need a roadmap. How can we imagine such a digitalization roadmap and what should it include?

Heiko Fischer: In short: EVERYTHING! By that I mean that the processes and procedures in the company should be set out in writing. It's only useful in the minds of entrepreneurs. I have already described above that an ACTUAL state and a TARGET state must be determined. This procedure clearly shows where you are and where you want to go. This forms the basis from which you can work out the digital roadmap. The roadmap is your basis for implementation.

In our practice, this is so important because an analog process does not automatically become a good digital process. This means that the change will automatically greatly improve the processes in the company.

How can entrepreneurs without in-depth IT knowledge know which software and which technology is suitable for their requirements and their business?

Heiko Fischer: This is a major challenge for many people. Because a tradesperson is generally not an IT expert - and doesn't have to be! But there are many experts who can help. And it makes perfect sense to find someone for this!

How do you bring (digitalization, IT) expertise into your company when needed? Do you have to take part in training courses yourself, or is it possible to get outside help? What would be better here?

Heiko Fischer: If you have the time and inclination, you can train yourself. However, I know very few tradespeople who do this on their own. That's why my clear recommendation is to get help from experts! It saves time and money!

Let's assume that all the requirements for digitizing a work area in a gardening and landscaping company are met. How do you actually switch from “analog” to “digital”?

Then it's quite simple: “Do it!”. At some point, the time will come to put the whole thing into practice. Example: The gardeners and landscapers should document their orders via tablet. Once everything has been thoroughly tested in practice and approved, it now needs to be “rolled out” and made usable for everyone. This means training in advance and then, ideally, practical support and guidance directly on the construction site!

(How) can experienced colleagues and their experience help to avoid mistakes in digitalization projects? Or is every company so “unique” that everyone has to “go through it” themselves?

Heiko Fischer: I would like to start at the end of the questions. Yes, every company is unique and has to find its own way! If I don't know something in my company, I first ask “Dr. Google”. If that doesn't help me, I might ask someone in my network. If that doesn't help me either, I turn to an expert.

From more than 150 consultations directly with craft businesses, I know that the knowledge gained in terms of time and money invested is far more worthwhile than trying to do everything myself.

Where can entrepreneurs who want to tackle the topic of digitalization find expert advice?

Heiko Fischer: There are BIT consultants at the chambers of crafts and trades who can be consulted. There are also many consultants who know what they're talking about. There are also funding programs that provide support with consulting, e.g. consulting to promote entrepreneurial know-how and Go-Digital. The consultants are certified for these programs and there are directories. You can then contact them and choose the right specialist.

How much does such a consultation cost and how do you finance the costs? Is it possible to make use of funding programs? If so, to what extent?

Heiko Fischer: There is no general answer to that! It depends on the project and the investment volume. You can say that the funding programs can cover between 30 and 50 percent of the consultations. And I don't want to forget that there are currently five federal states that also support investments in hardware and software.

Finally, what tips and tricks can you give us to help us keep track of the digitalization of a business?

Heiko Fischer: I don't see any tips or tricks. A pragmatic and stringent approach is required here. And that's nothing new for tradespeople - it's the basis for day-to-day business. Everything starts with the right plan. Everything is nothing without a plan!


Practical examples, tried-and-tested solutions and recommendations for action

Forum A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO DIGITALISATION at GaLaBau 2024 in Nuremberg offers you the perfect opportunity over four days to find out about current trends and practical solutions in the field of digitization in gardening and landscaping companies and thus further develop your projects and strategies.

All topics and times of the forum on the individual days of the trade fair as well as detailed information on the practical talks, discussions and exhibit presentations can be found in the event schedule of the Forum A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO DIGITALISATION.


Jasmin McNally

Jasmin McNally

Public Relations GaLaBau